Erica Gholizadeh has been doing her own past life regression work throughout her life which has been a natural gift and a way of life. Now she is being guided to help others unfold the decisions that they’ve made by taking them back to the root of their pain. By gathering all of the pieces to the puzzle and accepting personal responsibility for your decisions that created your present situations and your habitual response we are free to make new life enhancing decisions. Often times it can be deep emotional work for sensitive and vulnerable people but the results can be rewarding. By learning our life lessons from relationship difficulties, stress, and sometimes illnesses are all about unfolding the decisions that we initially made long ago. Once we are clear about the events that lead to our challenges sometimes “forgiveness” can have a profound healing effect on us and others. Generally, the work that we do is not just for our benefit but also for others.
Regression is a holistic approach to healing where we involve our mind, body, emotions and spirit in order resolve repeated challenges, change our behaviors and potentially heal our bodies. As part of the healing process, it’s important to change our old decisions to new empowering ones in order to move out of pain and live more fulfilling lives in the present. Accessing methods that are harmonious with the process of self-transformation, she has found Hypnotherapy has been an effective tool and sometimes Reiki, Psych-K, and or Inner Child Work to assist with the healing process of your soul work. The more personal work that we do the more it frees our energy to tap into our gifts and do our life’s work as our creator has intended us to do.
In her present school of life, Erica has overcome many cultural oppression issues, as well as addictions and health challenges and has helped many to do the same. She has cared for her elderly and disabled parents and has experienced the loss of loved ones so she knows from personal experience how to overcome some of the most difficult challenges in life and rise above them by taking personal responsibility and following Divine Guidance. Often times karma plays a key role in our existence. Our soul knows what we need to resolve, especially with loved ones, and learn from our experiences in order to be free and have a brighter future.
We have to heal ourselves from our past in order to make new life enhancing decisions. By having the courage to face the truth Erica can serve as your guide in your self-realization journey where profound changes can begin. By making a conscious decision of being “Proactive” instead of “Reactive” we are choosing to “Stop, Think, and then Respond” appropriately in order to be in charge of our life. By being mindful we’re living our lives with purpose when we know that we are doing what we’re supposed to here and now and by following Divine Guidance.